
Wednesday, January 24, 2024


The Gosvamis of Vrndavana 

have analyzed om (a-u-m) as follows: The letter a refers to Krsna, the master of all planets and all living entities. The letter u indicates Srimati Radharani, the pleasure potency of Krsna, and m indicates the living entities. 


Omkara, like Krsna, can be realized or viewed from three angles, as Brahman, Pramatma, and Bhagavan.

Thus omkara represents Krsna; His name, fame, pastimes, potencies, and devotees; and everything else pertaining to Him. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024


 Ayan was a worshiper of Kali. His wife Radha worshiped Krishna. The worship of Aayan took place in the open. Radha's theft would have been secret.

One day Radha's sister-in-law gossiped to her brother that her sister-in-law worshiped Krishna. The incident that followed is written by Dashrathi Roy, a folk poet of 18th century West Bengal.

Kunj Kanne Kali Vyaje Vanshi Vanmali

Kare Asi Dhere Shri Radhakant

Can distinguish between black and white

karre jiva illusory black mystery

Ayan saw Kali in the temple carrying a sword instead of Krishna. There is no need to differentiate between Shyama and Shyama because Kali is the goddess of Kriya Shakti and Krishna has given the lesson of Kriya Yoga to the entire world.

Barbarik saw exactly the same scene in the Mahabharata war.

It is said that in the war of Mahabharata, the head of Bhimaputra Barbarik was installed on a high mountain by Lord Krishna. Pandavas take credit for victory after getting victory in the war. When they started arguing among themselves, Lord Krishna said that Barbarik can take the decision of victory in the war because he has seen the entire war being completed.

When Barbarik was asked who got the credit for victory in the war, his answer was, “I saw Shri Krishna's Sudarshan Chakra destroying the wicked in the war and Draupadi taking the form of Mahakali and drinking the blood of all the wicked.”

Kshatriya Destroyers

Friday, January 12, 2024





Lalita = Svarupa Damodara Goswami
On the northern petal of Ananga-sukhada Kunja, there is a beautiful kunja covered with various kinds of flowers and trees. This place is known as Lalitanandada Kunja and is the color of lightning. The lovely Lalita Sakhi always lives here. She has a beautiful bright yellow (gorocana) complexion and wears a dress the color of peacock feathers. She is adorned with celestial ornaments and personifies the type of bhava known as khandita. She and Sri Krsna are very, very dear to each other and her seva is to bring camphor and tambula to Him. Her age is 14 years, 8 months and 27 days. In the opinion of the panditas, her father’s name is Visokaka, her mother’s Sarada, and her husband’s Bhairava Gopa. Her home is in Yavata and her nature is vama-prakhara. In gaura-lila, she has assumed the form of Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami.

Visakha = Sri Ramananda Raya
On the northeast petal of Ananga Sukhada Kunja lies Ananda Kunja, which is cloudlike in color, and is the residence of Sri Visakha. She is very dear to Sri Krsna and has the bhava known as svadhina-bhartrka. Her seva is dressing and decorating. Her dress resembles the stars in the evening sky, and her complexion is cream-colored with a tinge of red (gaurangi). Her age is 14 years, 2 months and 15 days. Her father’s name is Pavana, her mother’s Daksina and her husband’s Bahuka. She is adhika-madhya, and her home is in Yavata. She appears in gaura-lila as Sri Ramananda Raya.

Campakalata (Campakamallika) = Sri Sivananda
On the southern petal of Madana-sukhada Kunja lies Kamalata Kunja, the home of Sri Krsna’s beloved Sri Campakalata. This extremely blissful kunja is the color of molten gold. Campakalata, who loves Krsna very much, personifies the stage of a nayika known as vasaka-sajja. Her complexion is the color of a yellow campaka flower and her dress the color of a cataka bird (swallow). Her nature is vama-madhya, and her seva is to offer jewelled necklaces and to fan with a camara. Her age is 14 years, 2 months and 13 1/2 days. Her mother’s name is Vatika, her father’s Arama, and her husband’s Canda. In gaura-lila she appears as Sri Sivananda

Citra = Sri Govindananda
Citra-devi can read between the lines of books and letters written in many different languages, perceiving the hidden intentions of the author. She is a skilled gourmet and can understand the testes of various foods made with honey, milk, and other ingredients simply by glancing at them.
She is expert in playing music on pots filled with varying degrees of water. She is learned in the literature describing astronomy and astrology, and she is well versed in the theoretical and practical activities of protecting domestic animals. She is especially expert at gardenting and she can nicely make various kinds of nectarean beverages. There are also eight other gopi maidservants, headed by Rasalika-devi, who are expert at making various kinds of nectarean beverages. There are other gopis who mostly collect transcendental herbs and medicinal creepers from the forest and do not collect flowers or anything else. Citra-devi is the leader of these gopis.On the eastern petal of Madana Sukhada Kunja lies the multicolored Padma Kinjalka Kunja, where Sri Citra resides. She and Sri Krsna are very affectionate toward each other, and she is very devoted to her seva of bringing cloves and garlands. She possesses the abhisarika-nayika-bhava, has a beautiful saffron complexion, wears a dress that resembles crystal, and has many wonderful qualities. Her age is 14 years, 7 months and 14 days. Her father’s name is Catura, her mother’s Carccika, and her husband’s Pitharaka. She is an adhika-mrdvinayika, and her home is in Yavata. In gaura-lila she appears as Sri Govindananda.

Tungavidya =Sri Vakresvara Pandita
Tungavidya is the fifth of the varistha gopis. Her complexion is the color of kunkuma and the fragrance of her body is like sandalwood mixed with camphor. She is fifteen days younger than Srimati Radharani.Tungavidya is hot-tempered and expert at dissimulation. She wears white garments. Her parents are Puskara and Medha-devi and her husband is Balisa.Tungavidya is one of the leaders of the gopis. She is learned in the eighteen branches of knowledge. She has full faith in Krsna. She is very expert at arranging the meeting of the divine couple. She is learned in rasa-sastra (transcendental mellows), niti-sastra (morality), dancing, drama, literature and all other arts and sciences. On the western petal of Madana-sukhada Kunja lies the extremely beautiful crimson-colored Tungavidyanandada Kunja, where Sri Tungavidya Sakhi always resides. She loves Sri Krsna very much and, filled with eagerness for that prema, she exhibits the bhava known as vipralabdhatva. Her complexion is radiant like saffron mixed with camphor and sandalwood paste, and her dress is pandu-mandana (pale yellow). Her mood is daksina-prakhara. Her mother’s name is Medha, her father’s Puskara, and her husband’s Balisa. She is very devoted to her seva of dancing and singing, etc. Her home is in Yavata, and her age is 14 years, 2 months and 22 days. In gaura-lila she appears as Sri Vakresvara Pandita.

Indulekha = Vasu Ramananda
Indulekha is the sixth of the varistha gopis. She has a tan complexion and wears garments the color of a pomegranate flower. She is three days younger than Srimati Radharani. Her parents are Sagara and Vela-devi and her husband is Durbala. She is contrary and hot-tempered by nature. Noble Indulekha is learned in the science and mantras of the Naga-sastra, which describes various methods of charming snakes. She is also learned in the Samudraka-sastra, which describes the science of palmistry. She is expert at stringing various kinds of wonderful necklaces, decorating the teeth with red substances, gemology and weaving various kinds of cloth. In her hand she carries the auspicious messages of the divine couple. In this way she creates the good fortune of Radha and Krsna by creating Their mutual love and attraction. The group of gopis headed by Tungabhadra-devi are the friends and neighours of Indulekha. Among these gopis is a group, headed by Palindhika-devi, which acts as messengers for the divine couple. Indulekha-devi is fully aware of the confidential secrets of the divine couple. Some of her friends are engaged in providing ornaments for the divine couple, others provide exquisite garments and others guard the divine couple's treasury. Indulekha-devi is thus the leader of all the gopis engaged in these services in the various parts of Vrndavana. On the southeastern petal of Madana-sukhada Kunja lies the golden-colored Purnendu Kunja, where Sri Indulekha lives. She has a lemon-yellow complexion and wears a dress that is radiant like a pomegranate flower. She has a deep love for Sri Krsna and possesses the prosita-bhartrka-bhava. She often serves Krsna by bringing Him nectar-like delicious meals. Her age is 14 years, 2 months and 10 1/2 days. She is vama-prakhara and her principal seva is fanning with a camara. Her home is in Yavata, her father’s name is Sagara, her mother’s Vela and her husband’s Durbala. In gaura-lila she appears as Vasu Ramananda.

Rangadevi = Sri Govindananda Gosh
Rangadevi is the seventh of the varistha gopis. Her complexion is the color of a lotus filament and her garments are the color of a red rose. She is seven days younger than Srimati Radharani. Her personal qualities are much like those of Campakalata. Her parents are Karuna-devi and Rangasara. Ranga-devi is always like a great ocean of coquettish words and gestures. She is very fond of joking with her friend Srimati Radharani in the presence of Lord Krishna. Among the six activities of diplomacy she is especially expert in the fourth: patiently waiting for the enemy to make the next move. She is an expert logician and because of previous austerities she has attained a mantra by which she can attract Lord Krsna. Kalakanti-devi is the leader of the eight most important friends of Ranga-devi. These friends are all expert in the use of perfumes and cosmetics. Ranga-devi's friends are expert at burning aromatic incense, carrying coal during the winter and fanning the divine couple in the summer. Ranga-devi's friends are able to control the lions, deer and other wild animals in the forest. Ranga-devi is the leader of all these gopis.On the southwest petal of Madana-sukhada Kunja lies the dark blue, cloudlike Sukhada Kunja, where Sri Krsna’s beloved Sri Rangadevi always resides. Her complexion is the color of a lotus stamen, and her dress is red like a jaba flower. She possesses the utkanthita-bhava, and in every way she is very attached to Sri Krsna. Her seva is offering candana, and her nature is vama-madhya. Her home is in Yavata, and her age is 14 years, 2 months and 4 1/2 days. Her mother’s name is Karuna, her father’s Rangasagara and her husband’s Vakreksana. In Kali-yuga she appears in gaura-lila as Govindananda Ghosa.The chief gopis in Sri Rangadevi’s yutha are Kalakanthi, Sasikala, Kamala, Prema Manjari, Madhavi, Madhura, Kamalata and Kandarpa-sundari

Sudevi = Vasudeva Gosha
Sudevi is the eighth of the varistha gopis. She is sweet and charming by nature. She is the sister of Rangadevi. Her husband is Vakreksana, the younger brother of Bhairava. Her marriage with Vakreksana was arranged by his younger brother. Her form and other qualities are so similar to those of her sister Rangadevi that they are often mistaken for one another.Sudevi always remains at the side of her dear friend Srimati Radharani. Sudevi arranges Radharani's hair, decorates Her eyes with mascara and massages Her body.She is expert in training male and female parrots and she is also expert in the pastimes of roosters. She is an expert sailor and she is fully aware of the auspicious and inauspicious omens described in the Sakuna-sastra.She is expert at massaging the body with scented oils, she knows how to start fires and keep them burning and she knows which flowers blossom with the rising of the moon.Kaveri-devi and the other friends of Sudevi are expert at constructing leaf-spitoons, playing music on bells and decorating couches in various ways.Sudevi's friends are also entrusted with the decoration of the divine couple's sitting place. Sudevi's friends act as clever spies, disguising themselves in various ways and moving among Radharani's rivals (Candravali and her friends) to discover their secrets. Sudevi's friends are the deities of Vrndavana forest and they are charged with the protection of the forest birds and bees. Sudevi is the leader of these gopis.On the northwest petal of Madanananda Kunja lies the beautiful emerald-colored Vasanta-sukhada Kunja, the residence of Sri Sudevi. She is very loving toward Sri Hari, has a complexion the color of a lotus stamen, and wears a dress the color of a red jaba flower. She possesses the bhava known as kalahantarita and her seva is to bring water. She is vama-prakhara. Her age is 14 years, 2 months and 4 days. Her home is in Yavata, her mother is Karuna, her father Rangasagara, and she is married to the younger brother of Vakreksana (Rangadevi’s husband). In gaura-lila she appeared as Sri Vasudeva Ghosa.



Friday, January 5, 2024

Gita Conch

Laxmi Vishnu Conch

