
Monday, July 31, 2023

Narada 16108

  1. In another story narrated in the Bhagavata PuranaNarada, Vishnu's devotee and wandering sage, was curious to find out how Krishna was managing to live with his 16,108 wives and came to Dvaraka to check. Krishna welcomed Narada with all the honors due to him being a sage. Narada then visited every one of the houses of Krishna's 16,008 wives and was surprised to see Krishna present in every house with his wife in an atmosphere of total domesticity, laughing and joking with his wife and taking care of his children, and helping his wife in household chores. Watching this phenomenon, Narada was convinced that it was divinity in the form of Krishna, a complete and manifold manifestation who had enjoyed the company of his 16,008 consorts at the same time. He also concluded that Krishna was a divine supreme being. Having satisfied himself of the divine powers of the Lord Himself, Narada embarked on his usual voyages around the world singing the praise of Krishna. 
  2. A variant tells that the mischief-maker sage Narada requested Krishna to gift him one of his many wives, as he was a bachelor. Krishna told him to win any wife for himself if he was not with her. Then Narada went round to each of the houses of Krishna's 16,108 wives but found Krishna in every house that he visited, and thus Narada had to remain a bachelor.

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