
Monday, May 27, 2024

Kumar Narada


Narada then sits next to Gyan and Vairagya and starts rubbing their faces. He chants the Vedas and Upanishads and sings the Bhagavad Gita to them. To Bhakti’s astonishment, Gyan and Vairagya sit up and start yawning. She looks at Narada with bated breath. But even after a long time Gyan and Vairagya do not open their eyes and continue to look old and lifeless. When Narada gets such a feeble response from Gyan and Vairagya he wonders what he should do to revive them. That is when he hears an asiriri which says, “When you find munis who constantly pursue spirituality, they will tell you how to revive Gyan and Vairagya.” Narada wonders where he will find such pure souls. So he performs a tapasya in Badarikashrama. And after a few days, the Sanat kumars and other rishis of the ancient ages come to that very spot. Narada narrates his entire experience to them and says, “O munis, tell me how I can revive Gyan and Vairagya and spread Bhakti amidst the people of Kali Yuga.” The munis say, “O Narada, you can revive Bhakti’s sons by reciting the Bhagavat Puran to them.”

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